From the Head of Schools
DIA Head of Schools
Seiji Tsuchiya
同志社国際学院 初等部・国際部校長
土屋 誠司
DIAには、一つの校舎に初等部と国際部の二つの学校が併設されています。小学校とインターナショナルスクールが融合した他に類のない教育環境で、「国際バカロレア(IB)」の公式認定校として世界標準の初等教育プログラムを展開しています。初等部ではバイリンガル教育により国際感覚を身につけ、コミュニケーションカを育むとともに、“探究的な学び”を通じて、創造性や論理性、思考力の向上を目指します。その学習者像(IB Learner Profile)は、文部科学省が求める“生きる力”や同志社教育の原点である“良心教育”と大きく重なり合っています。
同志社国際学院 初等部・国際部校長
土屋 誠司
At Doshisha International Academy (DIA), our educational philosophy is “Christianity,” “Liberalism,” and “Internationalism,” which are advocated by Doshisha. We practice “Conscience Education,” which is the school’s founding spirit. Students will acquire the skills necessary for global society while experiencing not only language, but also a wide range of cultures, knowledge, and ways of thinking.
DIA has both an elementary school and an international school on one campus creating a unique and culturally diverse learning environment. As an authorized International Baccalaureate (IB) school, DIA offers a global standard Primary Years Program. Our goal is for students to develop international mindedness through our bilingual program. We also aim to improve critical thinking and inquiry-based learning skills. The attributes of the ‘IB Learner Profile’ encompass “Life Skills” as described by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and Doshisha’s fundamental principle of “conscience”.
We live in an era of diversity where we accept ourselves as well as others and where we coexist with AI (Artificial Intelligence). We must foster the ability to determine the essence of things from a broad perspective while making not only ourselves, but everyone happy, and lead our lives with a sense of purpose.
DIA Head of Schools
Seiji Tsuchiya
Chancellor of the Doshisha
Eiji Hatta
八田 英二
八田 英二
The Doshisha Eigakko (Academy) was born in the home of Joseph Hardy Neesima, with eight students and two teachers in 1875. Although about 140 years have passed since then, Neesima’s ideal philosophy, “education of conscience”, breathes in all the Doshisha schools’ education from kindergarten through university. Based on Doshisha’s educational philosophy of “Christian principles”, “Liberalism”, and “Internationalism”. Doshisha International Academy (DIA) was established in 2011 to pursue primary education from a global perspective. As it is located in the Kansai Science City, we received support from Kizugawa City as well.
Not only is Doshisha International Academy’s founding spirit to nurture people who put their conscience into practice, but DIA Elementary School also provides two characteristic classes. The first feature is that over 50% of all classes are conducted in English. This is educational style is authorized by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as a school which offers a special bilingual curriculum. The second feature is inquiry-based learning. The aim of which is for children to understand the world around them more deeply. “Each and every person is unique and valuable”, are the words that Neesima always spoke to people. People from Doshisha, who Neesima loved and we aim to foster, are persons filled with a heart of compassion for others, are always close to the weak, and have a global nature.
Chancellor of the Doshisha
Eiji Hatta
President of Doshisha University
Katsuhiro Kohara
小原 克博
小原 克博
Doshisha has establishedupheld “Christian PrinciplesValues,” “Liberalism,” and “Internationalism” as the pillars of its essential educational philosophyprinciples. These three pillarsaspectsprinciples are inseparable from each other and have been carried down in Doshisha’s education since its foundation. Among Doshisha schools, Doshisha International Academy (DIA) places particular importance on “Internationalism.” Today, countless educational institutions in Japan and abroad espouse internationalism, whichand internationalism has become a prerequisite for contemporary education. However, Doshisha’s Internationalism has different characteristics from that of other institutions.
In one of his speeches, Joseph Hardy Neesima, Doshisha’s founder, said, “Just loving each individual person might seems much more narrow-minded than loving yourone’s country, but if you love the people of not only one country but also the whole world just as you love an individual, you will never be narrow-minded.” For Neesima, Christian love for one’sof neighbor and “Internationalism” were inextricably linked. Free from narrow-minded patriotism, Neesima stresseds the importance of freeing oneyourself from narrow-minded patriotism and loving each person in the world. By learning, we can become truly free. This freedom is not just about satisfying our desires, but is genuinely demonstrated in loving and serving others. I sincerely hope that each student at DIA will one day spread their wings to the world as a personsomeone who loves others without distinction (based on Christian PrinciplesValues) and becomes a truly free individualperson (based on Liberalism).
President of Doshisha University
Katsuhiro Kohara